Here is a collection of mathematics-related links that I gathered over years.
Courses and seminars
- Fibrations meromorphes sur certaines varietes de classe canonique triviale
- Берч и Свиннертон
- Math curriculum
- posic: Мантра про кошулевость
- posic: Письмо Богомолову о моей расширенной версии его гипотезы
- Notes on the Oxford IUT workshop by Brian Conrad
- Maryam Mirzakhani and Dynamics on Moduli Space
- Kahler manifolds and groups, part 1
- Kahler manifolds and groups, part 2
- 392C Geometric Group Theory | Residual finiteness and word-hyperbolic groups
- Newton’s polygons and Galois groups
- Effective Chabauty
- Миша Громов, Интервью журналу Rigas Laikes 2013/2014
- Furstenberg’s Correspondence Theorem | I Can’t Believe It’s Not Random!
- 254A, Lecture 10: The Furstenberg correspondence principle | What’s new
- Breuillard’s ICM talk: uniform expansion, Lehmer’s conjecture, tauhat | Quomodocumque
- Why believe the Hodge Conjecture? | Geometry Bulletin Board
- Poonen-Rains, Selmer groups, random maximal isotropics, random orthogonal matrices | Quomodocumque
- Gromov-Witten Invariants and Topological Field Theory | Secret Blogging Seminar
- Topology in prime characteristic | Secret Blogging Seminar
- The Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz inequality and gradient descent methods | regularize
- Lifting smooth curves to characteristic zero | Climbing Mount Bourbaki
- The Hilbert Polynomial Explained | Rigorous Trivialities
- Picard scheme | Climbing Mount Bourbaki
- Enriques Classification of complex algebraic surfaces - lccs
- Small finite sets | Secret Blogging Seminar
- силы как векторы и невекторы
- tiphareth: "сильный принцип максимума"
- tiphareth: "Holomorphic bundles on diagonal Hopf manifolds"
- tiphareth: рациональные гомотопии
- ljr_math: SU(4)=Spin(6)
- Groups of small homological dimension and the Atiyah Conjecture
- Simon Salamon's talks
- mualfa
- Reading seminar: "Stable group theory and approximate subgroups" (Terry Tao)
- Fill in the Blanks: Using Math to Turn Lo-Res Datasets Into Hi-Res Samples | WIRED
- 2014 5 Day Workshop: Convex Bodies and Representation
Theory | Banff International Research Station
- Antoine Ducros : Лаборатория алгебраической геометрии и ее приложений : Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
- What is a gauge? | What's new
- Kleiner’s proof of Gromov’s theorem | What's new
- Some notes on amenability | What's new
- Lars Hormander | What's new
- 254A – ergodic theory | What's new
- 254B – expansion in groups | What's new
- 254A – Hilbert’s fifth problem | What's new
- Expanding polynomials over finite fields of large characteristic, and a regularity lemma for definable sets | What's new
- expanders | What's new
- 254B – Higher order Fourier analysis | What's new
- Distinguished Lecture Series I: Gregory Margulis, “Homogeneous dynamics and number theory I.” | What's new
- Reduction modulo p in Galois Theory « Tom Lovering's Blog
- Hochschild homology | Secret Blogging Seminar
- The geometry of Soergel bimodules | Secret Blogging Seminar
- Koszul algebras and Koszul duality | Secret Blogging Seminar
- Harvard Qual Exam questions
- Virtual IUM - От Янга-Миллса к описанию D^b(P^n), часть 1.
- Berkeley Model Theory Seminar | jamesfreitag
- How to stabilize a wobbly table
- Récoltes et Semailles. La Clef des Songes. Alexandre Grothendieck
- Grothendieck Circle
- Free books: Récoltes et semailles
Caga and colloque Grothendieck